About us
The European Digital Innovation Hub (EDIH) “ARTES 5.0 – Restart Italy” supports, at national level, the sustainable digital transition of Italian businesses, especially Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs), and Public Sector Organizations (PSOs). Compared to other EDIHs, ARTES 5.0 aims to promote a widespread nationwide adoption of digital technologies, with focus on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Robotics, to nurture sustainable, human-centric and resilient value chains in line with the Digital Europe Programme.

ARTES 5.0 operates as a network of hub and spokes
of highly qualified aggregations of public and private competences and stakeholders, focused on innovation. The Governance of ARTES 5.0 has been designed to achieve efficiency and effectiveness, while ensuring transparency and participation.
In order to increase its impact from a local and national level to a broader European level, ARTES 5.0 has signed various agreements, such as Memorandum of Understandings and Letters of Interests, with several EDIH proposals, sharing vision, strategy, and models, to strengthen initiatives, promote synergies.
Artes 5.0 involves various partners throughout the national territory
The capillary geographical coverage of the Artes 5.0 EDIH is granted by the involvement of several excellent partners: the three Italian Competence Centers – Artes 4.0, Coordinator of the project, MedITech (the Italian Competence Center of Southern Italy) and Start 4.0, the Competence Center established in Genoa, Region of Liguria –, PSTSicilia (hub of the Region of Sicily), the Digital Innovation Hubs (DIHs) of Tuscany, Umbria and Lazio, Intesa Sanpaolo, Intellera, highly specialized technological partners such as CINI (National Inter-University Consortium for Informatics) and I-RIM (Institute of Robotics and Intelligent Machines), Symbola Foundation, the associations and trade representatives Edi-Confcommercio, DINTEC, PICO, plus associated entities such as INAIL (National Institute for Insurance against Accidents at Work), ISPRA (the Italian Institute for Environmental Protection and Research), CNA and Confartigianato.