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DINTEC is a consortium for digital innovation providing technological innovation services, product qualification and the application of technical regulations to micro- and SMEs that operate in the most typical Made in Italy sectors (agri-food and handicrafts). Its services are mainly directed to the members of the Chambers of Commerce System and include awareness raising on digital and green transition 4.0 and related subsidy measures.

partner correlati

Umbria DIH
Umbria DIH
DIH Toscana
DIH Toscana
Il Digital Innovation Hub Toscana è stato creato nel 2017 da Confindustria Toscana, Ance Toscana e dalle cinque territoriali regionali (Confindustria Firenze, Confindustria Toscana Nord, Unione Industriale Pisana, Confindustria Toscana Sud, Confindustria Livorno- Massa Carrara), con l’obiettivo di aumentare il livello di conoscenza e consapevolezza delle imprese toscane sulla trasformazione digitale, affiancarle nel processo di transizione digitale e sostenibile e mettere in rete gli attori dell’innovazione digitale sul territorio.
Fondazione PICO
Fondazione PICO
Fondazione PICO helps cooperative enterprises to grow sustainably and responsibly leveraging digital innovation. It already provides services of digital assessment and implementation, it monitors funding sources available for innovation and organizes webinars, events, and tailored training in the framework of an academy.
visita is the digital innovation hub of Confcommercio, an association representing hundreds of thousands Italian SMES operating in the trade, tourism and service sectors. works as an ecosystem that facilitates the creation of dialogue spaces between large companies, startups and SMEs, the public and private finance system, the university and research system.
CNA is a Trade Union representing Italian SMEs operating in manufacturing, construction, services, transport, commerce, and tourism, with a focus to the craft sector. CNA heads a network of 60 Digital Innovation Hubs located in 13 Italian regions that helps SMEs innovation and growth with services related to digital awareness and assessment, networking and technology brokerage, access to financial resources and management training.
CICERO DIH Lazio, DIH Toscana and DIH Umbria are part of the network of Digital Innovation Hubs of Confindustria, the main association representing manufacturing and service companies in Italy. These DIHs operates at a regional level in Lazio, Toscana and Umbria, supporting industries in their digitalization and acting as contact points with European initiatives as the Enterprise Europe Network.
Intellera relies on the expertise of more than 700 professionals, offering organizational, management and technological consulting services to 300 Italian and European institutions and Public Sector Organizations. The target groups of its consultancy services are rational, regional, and local Public Sector Organizations, Public Economic Entities and PSOs affiliated entities (e.g., in the field of utilities) and Health sector public organisations.
SYMBOLA Foundation promotes the Italian Qualities and Green Economy with the goal to strengthen competitivity. In this domain it produces publications, projects and stakeholder and policymaker events.
PST-Sicilia is the EDIH of the Region of Sicily focused on Artificial Intelligence, shortlisted following the national pre-selection phase of EDIH candidates and merged with ARTES 5.0. It brings together the main actors of the innovation ecosystem in the Region of Sicily: 85 public and private entities that have signed an agreement (plus 25 expressions of interest). The merge of ARTES 5.0 and PST-Sicilia strengthens the presence of ARTES 5.0 in Sicily and its orientation to the Mediterranean area.
ISPRA is the Italian Institute for Environmental Protection and Research developing and providing environmental monitoring and protection services to Public Sector Organizations and private bodies.
Intesa San Paolo
Intesa San Paolo
Intesa Sanpaolo is one of the leading banking groups in Europe with intense in-house R&I on digitalisation, AI, blockchain and cybersecurity. It has a strong expertise in providing services of financial advisory, IP consultancy, Access to capital/market and strategy development.
ARTES 4.0 Advanced Robotics and enabling digital technologies and systems 4.0, coordinator of the EDIH, is the highly specialized Italian Competence Center selected by the Ministry of Enterprises and Made in Italy as part of the National Industry 4.0 Plan, focused on Advanced Robotics and on Artificial Intelligence. ARTES 4.0 works to support companies in their digital transformation and innovation process, providing services with high technological value, awareness-raising, training, and demonstration activities for the dissemination of Industry 4.0 technologies, from a Science Driven Innovation perspective, creating a bridge between research and business. Its 134 members, both private and academic partners and centers of excellence, make the offer of skills, infrastructures, and services in the Industry 4.0 field comprehensive and differentiated. The activities of Artes 4.0 since its establishment in 2019 until today have focused on the publication of Calls for industrial research and experimental development projects to be financed with public and/or private resources. In this framework ARTES 4.0 has evaluated hundreds of project proposals, supporting several dozens of them thanks to its experience, infrastructure, the facilities and skills deployed by its consortium.

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